Sunday, May 17, 2020

Comparison of Three Views of Sociology Essay - 1322 Words

Each of the three main theorists, Marx, Durkheim, and Weber have significantly different aspects on how society is held together. Some things about their theories are related in few ways. Marx was quoted, â€Å"The origins of change are all materialistic, not based on ideas.† This aspect focuses on how material items are the basis of society. Durkheim focused on the dependence of others to make society work. Weber used the focus of religion affecting all aspects of life. This is known as social cohesion. Marx’s theories became known as â€Å"Marxism.† Marxism is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as â€Å"theories and practices of socialism including the labor theory†¦ dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and the dictatorship of the proletariat†¦show more content†¦Without the materialistic things a society would not be able to function. The society that is created is a capitalistic society. In the capitalistic society as stated before the proletariat, or worker are dependent on the capitalists for an income to survive, which both are dependent on the good being produced to survive. Waiting at the bottom are what Marx referred to as â€Å"a reserve army.† The reserve army is what we would consider today as the unemployed. â€Å"If a worker does not want to do a job at the wage the capitalist offers, someone else in the reserve army of the unemployed will.† (Ritzer) This separation causes the inequality of power and wealth, which then leads to the exploitation of the less powerful and less wealthy. Marx viewed capitalism as a good thing, for the most part. Capitalism is what keeps societies working together to make a whole. Durkheim too thought that societies were held together by the dependence that each person had on others. In the days of old many would bake their own bread, sew their own clothes, as well as grow their own vegetable and raise their own meat as time went on more and more people began to specialize in things that caused them to depend on others that had talents. Today we are even more dependent on others than ever. If our car breaks down, we call a mechanic. We go out to eat more than ever before, and many choose to utilize daycare for their children. Without these people toShow MoreRelatedSociology : A Sociological Perspective896 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity of North Carolina, â€Å"Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions† ( Sociology is science practiced by everyone in the world, whether they realize it or not. It is not only an incredibly important social scien ce but also a beautiful art to study how society works. 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